
Tales Of The Walking Dead on-set accident being investigated by OSHA

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작성자 Michell
댓글 0건 조회 8회 작성일 24-08-24 11:49


An accident that allegedly took place Monday on the set of Tales Of The Walking Dead in Atlanta, Georgia is currently under investigation.

A female crew member reportedly tumbled off the top deck of a riverboat being used for the shoot - the same one that doubles as as the casino boat on the show Ozark.

The crew member is said to have plunged into Stone Mountain Lake, hitting a lower de

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The crew member, who is said to have recently had an operation, has not been publicly identified by OSHA, IATSE or the production company, nor has any information about her present condition been released.

A US Labor Department spokesperson said: 'OSHA initiated an investigation into this incident, and therefore we are unable to share anything further at this time.'

The vessel: A woman in the crew reportedly tumbled off the top deck of a riverboat being used for the shoot - the same one that doubles as the casino boat on Ozark (pictured)

Location: The crew member is said to have plunged into Stone Mountain Lake (pictured), hitting a lower deck railing on her way down, according to Deadline

Tales Of The Walking Dead is an upcoming anthology series spun off from the smash hit zombie show The Walking Dead.

The alleged Tales Of The Walking Dead accident comes


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