
Finest 50 Ideas For Contract

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작성자 Lorene Vangundy
댓글 0건 조회 4회 작성일 24-09-27 03:51


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Article 16 The Turkish and Greek Governments shall come to an agreement with the Mixed Commission supplied for in Article 11 in regard to all questions concerning the notification to be made to persons who are to leave the territory of Turkey and Greece beneath the current Convention, and concerning the ports to which these individuals are to go for the purpose of being transported to the country of their destination. No impediment shall be placed in the way of the inhabitants of the districts excepted from the exchange underneath Article 2 exercising freely their proper to stay in or return to those districts and to get pleasure from to the total their liberties and rights of property in Turkey and in Greece. Article thirteen The Mixed Commission shall have full energy to cause the valuation to be made of the movable and immovable property which is to be liquidated below the current Convention, the involved events being given a hearing or being duly summoned so that they could also be heard. Article l0 The movable and immovable property belonging to persons who've already left the territory of the High Contracting Parties and are considered, in accordance with Article 3 of the current Convention, as being included within the exchange of populations, shall be liquidated in accordance with Article 9. This liquidation shall take place independently of all measures of any form no matter, which, under the legal guidelines passed and the rules of any type made in Greece and Turkey for the reason that 18th October, 1912, or in anyother means, have resulted in any restriction on rights of possession over the property in question, equivalent to confiscation pressured sale, and so forth. Within the occasion of the property talked about in this text or in Article 9 having been submitted to a measure of this variety, its worth shall be mounted by the Commission offered for in Article 11, as if the measures in question had not been utilized.

As regards expropriated property, the Mixed Commission shall undertake a fresh valuation of such property, if it has been expropriated because the 18th October, 1912, having beforehand belonged to individuals liable to the exchange of populations in the two nations, and is situated in territories to which the exchange applies. The premise for the valuation of the property to be liquidated shall be the worth of the property in gold currency. Article 9 Immovable property, whether rural or city, belonging to emigrants, or to the communities mentioned in Article 8, and the movable property left by these emigrants or communities, shall be liquidated in accordance with the next provisions by the Mixed Commission provided for in Article 11. Property situated in the districts to which the compulsory exchange applies and belonging to religious or benevolent establishments of the communities established in a district to which the exchange does not apply, shall likewise be liquidated underneath the same situations. All disputes referring to property, rights and pursuits that are to be liquidated shall be settled definitely by the Commission. The Mixed Commission supplied for in Article 11, when proceeding to the liquidation of Wakf property in Greece and of the rights and pursuits connected therewith, and to the liquidation of related foundations belonging to Greeks in Turkey, shall comply with the rules laid down in earlier Treaties with a view to totally safeguarding the rights and pursuits of those foundations and of the people concerned with them.

Article 14 The Commission shall transmit to the proprietor concerned a declaration stating the sum attributable to him in respect of the property of which he has been dispossessed, and such property shall stay at the disposal of the government on whose territory it's situated. The total amount of this compensation shall be carried to the credit score of these homeowners and to the debit of the federal government on whose territory the expropriated property is situated. Similarly, the members of every community (together with the personnel of mosques, tekkes, meddresses, churches, convents, schools, hospitals, societies, associations and juridical individuals, or different foundations of any nature no matter) which is to depart the territory of one of the Contracting States under the current Convention, shall have the proper to take away freely or to arrange for the transport of the movable property belonging to their communities. Green Solutions. The corporate goals to change into a responsible accomplice in making the neighborhood a greater place to reside.


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